Grants and scholarships
- 2021: £419,472 & $300,000 Joint research funding for a 3-year EPSRC-NSF standard grant, on 'Modelling surfactant effect for superhydrophobic turbulent drag reduction', in collaboration with UC Santa Barbara for 1 PDRA and 1 PhD student.
- 2020: £34,000 Workshop grant on 'Roadmapping quantitative understanding of cleaning and decontamination', EPSRC
- 2019: £1.3M 4-year industrial research grant, on 'Contamination-induced decontamination redistribution', 2 PDRA and 1 PhD student, Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl)
- 2018: £2000 Proof of Concept funding for 'Development of a Mechanically Stirred NMR Tube for in situ Reaction Monitoring',
Co-Investigator, Dial-a-Molecule - 2016: £12,000 3-year funding for the Special Interest Group on the Fluid Mechanics of Cleaning and Decontamination, Leader, UK Fluids Network.
- 2014: 3-year research grant for 2 post-docs at DAMTP, University of Cambridge, under CARTHE consortium, Co-Investigator, GoMRI.
- 2013: 3-year Nevile Research Fellowship in Applied Mathematics, Magdalene College, Cambridge.
- 2009: 3-year PhD Scholarship, BP and EPSRC.
- 2004: 4-year Undergraduate and Master Scholarship, École polytechnique, Paris.
Academic prizes and awards
- 2017: Gallery of Fluid Motion Award, 70th American Physical Society's meeting of the division of fluid dynamics (see Youtube video and post on FYFD, also featured in the American Physical Society's Newsletter here and the UCSB Current).
- 2013: Finalist of the 11th Osborne Reynolds Research Student Award, ERCOFTAC, UK.
- 2010: First Prize of the 2nd year PhD Student Talk Competition, DAMTP, University of Cambridge.
- 2010: Grade 3 of the Rayleigh-Knight Prize, DAMTP, University of Cambridge.
- 2007: First Prize of the Department of Mechanics, École polytechnique, Paris.